Giovannelli e Associati advised Poli360 on its first investment in Phononic Vibes
25/01/2019Giovannelli e Associati advised Ardian on the acquisition of the entire share capital of Celli S.p.A.
12/02/2019Giovannelli e Associati mentioned by MAG by Legalcommunity being among the most active firms for M&A in 2018
We are happy to share that, once again, Giovannelli e Associati is ranked among the top 20 law firms for M&A transactions in Italy by deal count and deal value, according to MAG by Legalcommunity (based on Mergermarket data). Giovannelli e Associati, with 20 transactions with an overall value of Euro 1,8 billion, strengthens its position on the Italian marketplace.
Fabrizio Scaparro has been mentioned, once again, among the more active M&A lawyers in Italy having been engaged in ten of these transactions.
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