Una poltrona per centodieci – da MAG by Legalcommunity (15 dicembre 2014)
20/01/2015Giovannelli e Associati advises Space on the business combination transaction with Fila
26/01/2015Giovannelli e Associati is advising Brugola on the capital increase carried out by Fondo Italiano di Investimento
Giovannelli e Associati is advising Brugola OEB Industriale S.p.A. and its majority shareholders on the capital increase reserved to Fondo Italiano di Investimento for a maximum amount of Euro 20 million, aimed to the financing of a new production plant by the company in the USA.
The team of Giovanelli e Associati is led by corporate partners Alessandro Giovannelli and Fabrizio Scaparro and by finance partner Michele Mocarelli. They were supported by associate Beatrice Riva. In the transaction, the Company was assisted by Deloitte in the capacity of financial advisor. The Deloitte team comprised Andrea Chiappa, Roberto Rondelli and Emanuele Martelli.
Milano Finanza – 24.12.2014 Fi entra in Brugola
Il Sole 24Ore – 07.01.2015 – Fondo Italiano di Investimento in Brugola O.E.B. Industriale S.p.A.