Giovannelli e Associati is advising Brugola on the capital increase carried out by Fondo Italiano di Investimento
20/01/2015Giovannelli e Associati among the “masters of M&A” in 2014
27/01/2015Giovannelli e Associati advises Space on the business combination transaction with Fila
Giovannelli e Associati is advising Space S.p.A. on the business combination with Fila S.p.A., one of the world leaders in the production and marketing of colouring, drawing, modelling, writing and painting products primarily aimed at school- and pre-school-aged children. After the transaction, FILA will be listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, with primary institutional investors.
Space is the first special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) set up under Italian law as a SIV (special investment vehicle) pursuant to the Italian stock exchange regulation, whose shares have been trading in the regulated market organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (investment vehicle section) since December 2013. Space was promoted by Space Holding S.r.l., whose shareholders are Sergio Erede, Roberto Italia, Gianni Mion, Carlo Pagliani, Edoardo Subert, Alfredo Ambrosio and Elisabetta De Bernardi.
The team of Giovanelli e Associati is led by the partners Alessandro Giovannelli and Fabrizio Scaparro, assisted by the associates Beatrice Riva, Anna Stentella and Domenico Mogavero.
Press release:
Milano Finanza – 16.01.2015 – Matite Fila in Borsa con la Spac
La stampa – 16.01.2015 – Space porta in Borsa le matite della Fila
Legalcommunity – 16.01.2015 – Gli studi in campo per il matrimonio tra Space e Fila
Top Legal – 16.01.2015 – Space e Fila: fusione fatta
Il Corriere della Sera – 17.01.2015 – Space con fusione porta Fila in borsa
Il Sole 24Ore – 19.01.2015 – Tutti gli advisor dell’operazione Space – Fila
Legalcommunity – 26.01.2015 – Quanto Fila la Spac di Erede
MAG – Affari in piazza – 09.02.2015 – GA